The Royal Spanish Mathematical Society and the Argentine Mathematical Union have decided to award the Centennial Award for the arrival in Argentina of Rey Pastor to Luis Caffarelli, of the University of Austin in Texas, in recognition of his career and his activity in fostering relations between Argentina and Spain.
The Sèminaire Nicolas Bourbaki (Bourbaki Seminar) is a series of seminars (in fact public lectures with printed notes distributed) that has been held in Paris since 1948. It is one of the major institutions of contemporary mathematics, and a barometer of mathematical achievement, fashion, and reputation. Read More ...
James "Carter" Smith, an undergraduate in mathematics, won the Marjorie Morales Award for Excellence in Mathematics Research. He participated the Undergraduate Research Forum 2017 with a project titled "Determining a Number Through its Sum of Divisors." Carter's graduate mentor on the project was Alessandro Rezende de Macedo and Dr. Mark Daniels was project advisor.
Lewis Bowen, Sean Keel, and Alan Reid have been invited to present 45 min talks at the International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 in Rio de Janeiro. We congratulate them for this high distinction.