Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Symplectic singularities are a generalization of symplectic manifolds that have a symplectic form on the smooth locus but allow for certain well-behaved singularities. In this talk we will explore crepant partial resolutions of conical affine symplectic singularities in more detail, generalizing some constructions and work in Lie theory. First, we will use birational geometry to obtain a combinatorial description of partial resolutions and define a generalization of the Namikawa Weyl group for partial resolutions. Then we will construct and study their universal deformations and finally we will use the tools we have developed to study Springer theory for symplectic singularities.
Location: PMA 10.176 and https://utexas.zoom.us/j/8331607564