Inverse Functions
If f is a function, the inverse function f−1 (if it exists) undoes whatever
f does. That is,
A few facts:
- f(f−1(◻))=◻, no matter what you put into the box.
- The domain of f−1 is the range of f; and the range of f−1 is the domain of f.
So, the independent variable of f is now the dependent variable of f−1 and vice versa.
Graphically, this means that the horizontal axis becomes vertical, and the vertical axis horizontal.
- The function f−1 exists only if f is one-to-one.
Graphically, f−1 is a function if its graph passes the vertical line test, which means that the graph of f must pass the horizontal line test. If f is not
one-to-one, we must restrict the domain of f first.
For instance, if f(x)=x+1, then the inverse function is f−1(x)=x−1,
since subtracting 1 undoes the effect of adding 1. If f(x)=2x, then
f−1(x)=x/2, since dividing by 2 undoes the effect of multiplying by 2.
We'll explore how to find the formula for f−1(x) in general on the
next slide.