The barcode is better viewed online by making the barcode twice as long. To print standard sized barcodes, you'll have to adjust the source code.
You can download the Tcl/Tk source text for the example by right-clicking here. The program has an option for producing postscript pictures of the barcode (under Linux) which is commented out for the web version. If you don't have Tcl/Tk and are using a Windows machine, here is an executable version of the same program.
Part of this barcode program has now been incorporated into PgAccess.
I recently gave a talk at the saturday morning math group on barcodes. Here are the slides. An earlier version in pdf format and the actual presentation in powerpoint, the latter courtesy of my daughter. Also, you can download the program I was used to calculate with the error-correcting code given as an example in the lecture. As a Tcl script or as a Windows executable.
Other programs.
This page is maintained by Felipe Voloch
This page has been visited [an error occurred while processing this directive] times since April 22nd, 2002.