Dr. Sadun's M408M Calculus, Fall 2006
Unique numbers: 59640, 59645, 59650
Lecture Meeting time and place: Tu-Th
11-12:30, ECJ 1.202.
Discussion Sections:
59640: MW
12-1, RLM 5.116
59645: MW
1-2, RLM 7.118
59650: MW
4-5, RLM 7.114
Sections will meet beginning Wednesday, September 6.
Web page: http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/sadun/F06/408M
Professor: Lorenzo
Sadun, RLM 9.114, x1-7121
Office hours: Tentatively MW 2-3.
I generally keep an open door and welcome visitors at other times, too.
TA: Sara
Textbook: Calculus, by
James Stewart, 5th edition. Note: the single-variable version of this
text that you may have
used in M408KL is NOT OK. It is missing the chapters we use in M408M.
Prerequisites: M408L or equivalent with a
grade of
at least C, or advanced placement credit approved by the mathematics
If you do not meet these requirements you will AUTOMATICALLY be
dropped from the course.
Syllabus: Most of chapters 11, 13, 14, 15 and
16. See the official department
syllabus for more details
Attendance: Attendance and participation
lecture and in discussion section is mandatory.
Homework and quizzes: There will be weekly
sets, listed in http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/sadun/F06/408M/hwk.html.
These will not be collected, but will be the basis for short quizzes
(almost) every Wednesday in section.
Exams: There will be two in-class midterm
exams, plus a final exam on December 14. The first midterm, on
October 5, will cover chapters 11 and 13. The second
midterm, on November 9, will cover chapters 14 and 15. These
exams will all be closed book. However, each student will be allowed to
bring a single letter-sized ``crib sheet'' (2-sided) to each midterm,
2 crib sheets to the final. These notes must be HANDWRITTEN
- NO XEROXING ALLOWED. Calculators are NOT allowed on the
Grading: Each midterm counts 25%. The final
exam counts
50%. The homework quizzes, combined with participation in discussion
section, count 20%. At the end of the
term I will drop your lowest 20%. The final grade distribution is
neither a straight scale nor a fixed curve. It depends on how well the
class does as a whole, but I have typically given more B's than C's,
C's than A's, more A's than F's, and more F's than D's.
Honor system: There will be a vote on
the first
day of class on whether to govern the class by the honor system.
See accompanying
for details.
Disabilities: The University of Texas at
Austin provides
upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students
with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean
of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY