M328K- Introduction to Number Theory: Drs. Starbird and Odell will be teaching the MWF 9-10 and 10-11 sections, respectively. They have been developing a discovery learning approach to this course, so their sections are recommended. However, the instructor of the TuTh 12:30 - 2 section will be Dr. Ranganathan, who is also a very good teacher, although she uses a more traditional style.
M 333L- Structure of Modern Geometry: Dr. Shirley will be teaching the MWF 1 - 2 section, which meets in a computer lab. So students in this section will be able to use Geometer's Sketchpad in class. Dr. Cain, who is teaching the TuTh 2 - 3:30 section, is also a good teacher, but his classroom is not set up so students can use Geometer's Sketchpad in class.
M 358K- Applied Statistics: Dr. Kushner is expected to teach this course in the fall.
M 360M- Mathematics as Problem Solving: This is an honors course for students interested in math teaching. Students should have grades of B or better in calculus, or evidence of better than average performance in math classes past calculus. Students will solve and discuss challenging problems, study the problem solving process, and read and discuss portions of the NCTM Principles and Standards. BS-teaching option may count both M326K and M360M toward their degrees, by counting one in the additional upper division math hours. BA-teaching option students may count only one of these courses toward their degrees. Permission of instructor (Smith) required.
M 175 - Seminar for Prospective Teachers: The topic this fall will be Problems with a Point, focusing on studying problems from the Problems with a Point web site ( ), a resource to help math teachers use problem-based instruction.