M358K Instructor Materials
Feel free to use any of these as is, or use parts and/or ideas for your
own handouts. Most of these are pdf files, but I can provide .doc
versions for most of them at your request.
Note: Since I am revising
these materials as the occasion arises, I suggest reloading when you
come back to this page, in order to get revised versions.
I. Materials for Instructors Using DeVeaux, Velleman, and Bock, Stats: Data and Models, 3rd ed.
Notes on Textbook
Note: Web demos, etc.
mentioned in the notes are linked from this page under the heading
External Links, below.
Notes on Textbook and
Accompanying Disk Addition to "General Comments on the
Textbook" added Sun., Oct 14, 2012
Notes on Part I (See also
Math Supplement on Normal Probability Plots, below)
Slightly revised Wed
Aug 29, 2012
Notes on Part II (See also three
supplements for Chapter 8, below)
Revised Sun. Oct. 14, 2012 (See especially
end of Chapter 8)
Notes on Part III (See also
supplements for Chapter 12 below)
Slightly revised Sun. Oct. 14, 2012
Notes for Part IV (See also
supplements for Chapters 14 and 16 below)
Slightly revised Sun. Oct. 14, 2012
Notes on Part V (See also
supplements for Chapters 18, 19 and 21 below)
Revised Th Aug. 23, 2012
Notes on Part VI (See also
supplement for Chapter 23 and two supplements for Chapter 26 below)
Posted Nov 2, 2012
Notes on Part VII
(Chapter 27 only)
Review Exercises
Posted Nov. 20
Errata Posted Nov. 20
Supplementary Materials
Caveat: Although I have
proofread each of these at least once, there may still be some typos
or other glitches. Please let
me know if you find any. Also contact me if you would like a .docx
file to modify for use in your class.
What Is Probability? (supplement
for Chapter 14)
(suitable for slide-show for short lecture augmenting what's in
Random Variables (supplement for p. 382, Chapter 16)
pdf (for use as
handout, short lecture, examples, or ideas)
Where Does the 10% Condition Come From? (Supplement for Chapter
An Example Where the Central Limit Fails (Optional supplement to
Footnote 9, p. 440)
Why Does the Sample Variance Have n-
1 in the
Denominator? (Supplement for end of Chapter 18)
What is a Confidence Interval? (Handout to discuss in class at the end
of Chapter 19)
External Links
These are links to websites mentioned in the Notes for Instructors (linked
above). You
may want to use some of them for in-class demonstrations of concepts.
(I recommend trying them out before class to decide how best to use
Applet (Chapter 4) Uses Old Faithful data to show how number of
bins used in a histogram can give different impressions of the
Squares Demo (Chapter 8)
Data-Fitting Demo Using Least Squares and Least Absolute Value
(Chapter 9) Useful for showing the effect of influential points
and points with high leverage. Shows the line fit by the Least Absolute
Value method as well as the least squares line. Choose "least square
line" (at top), then use "Add points" (at the bottom) to put in some
points; the least squares line for those points will be shown. Click
"move point" at the bottom to be able to move a point and see how the
least squares line changes. (Choosing the other top buttons will allow
you to show the Least Absolute Value line, or both lines, and see how
they behave differently in response to moving a point.)
Questions (Chapter 12) More examples and references about wording
questions for surveys. Might be useful for students who want to do a
survey asking a question.
Copy (Optional supplement for Chapters 13 and/or 18 and/or 20 -- 20
might be best; or for your own background) A recent article in Nature discussing how studies may
give different results when replicated, and some related problems
(Chapter 17, p. 412) Several links showing the binomial distribution
and normal approximation:
Sampling Distribution/Central Limit Simulations (Chapter 18))
Sampling Distributions demo
Several choices of population
distribution (including "custom"). Shows sampling distributions for a
couple of statistics. See instructions on website. Choosing binary and
looking at the sampling distribution of count of 1's shows the binomial
distribution as a sampling distribution.
Virtual Lab in Statistics Sampling Distribution Demo
This allows you to create a
distribution for Y and simulate the sampling distribution for the mean
of Y with various sample sizes. It also shows summary statistics for
the sampling distribution. To see cases where the convergence of the
sampling distribution to normal is very slow, try the following:
1. A distribution with a full height
spike at the left, a half height spike at the right, and nothing in
between, with n = 25.
2. A distribution with three equally spaced spikes, descending in
height, with nothing in between.
Mary Parker's
Simulations Shows distributions of sample means for samples of
sizes 2, 4, 16, and 32 for a zoo of distributions, some ordinary and
some exotic.
Distribution (possible supplement to Chapter 18 for interested
Confidence Intervals for a Proportion demo (Chapter 19)
"Significance Tests for a Proportion" web demo (Chapters 20 and 21)
See description and instructions on web
site, as well as comments in Notes for Part V.
Possible supplemental reading for Chapter 20:
Confidence Intervals for the Mean web demos (Chapter 23)
Diet Doesn't Prolong Life, at Least in Monkeys NY Times science
reporter Gina Kolata discusses recent research on the effect of diet
restriction. A nice supplement to the ActivStats activity
“Compute a Confidence Interval for the Restricting Diet
Data” for Chapter 24.
Last updated July
4, 2013