M 362K, Spring 03, Smith

Assignment for Monday, September 8

1. Read Section 2.4 and the remainder of p. 35.
2. State Proposition 4.4 in the special case n = 3 and draw a Venn diagram illustrating the situation.

3. Try #8 on p. 54 again, using what you learned in Section 2.4.

4. Try #9 on p. 54, using what you learned in Section 2.4. (You can check your answer in the back of the book.)

5. To calculate more probabilities, you will need to learn some counting techniques. To start on this, read Sections 1.1 and 1.2.
6. To test your understanding, try #1 on p. 15 (Check your answer in the back of the book.)

7. To practice combining the counting techniques from Section 1.2 to probability, try #1 on p. 61.