M302 Introduction to Mathematics
Unique Number 55035 (MWF 10 - 11, ECJ 1.202), Spring 2003
PREREQUISITE: Three units of high school mathematics at the level of Algebra
I or higher, and a passing score on the mathematics section of the Texas
Academic Skills Program (TASP) test.
TEXT: Berger and Starbird, The Heart of Mathematics: An Invitation to Effective
OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: The manipulative kit that comes with
the textbook. (You should be able to purchase the kit separately at the local
bookstores if you buy a used book that does not include the kit.) If you
do not purchase this manipulative kit, you will need to provide substitute
materials for some of the class activities.
TOPICS COVERED: Chapter 1, Selections from Chapter s 2, 3, 4, 5, (and 6
as time permits), Chapter 7.
PLEASE NOTE: Contrary to what the name of the course
might suggest, this course is not a prerequisite for any math course
except M 316K: Foundations of Arithmetic.
INSTRUCTOR: Prof. M. Smith
OFFICE: RLM 10.136 PHONE: 471-6142 EMAIL: mks@math.utexas.edu
TENTATIVE OFFICE HOURS: MWF 11:00 - 11:30, W 2:30 - 3:30 and TTh 3:30 -
CLASS WEB SITE: http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/mks/302/302main03.html
TA: Anthony Ditanna
PHONE: 5-8808
EMAIL: aditanna@math.utexas.edu
TA OFFICE HOURS: TuTh 10 - 11 a.m. and 4 -5 p.m.
GRADING: Your course grade will be calculated as follows:
Quizzes: 13%
Exams: 29% each
HOMEWORK: Reading and problems will be assigned regularly. Be sure to do
the homework and bring it to class for reference on homework quizzes.
HOMEWORK QUIZZES: Unannounced homework quizzes will be given frequently
in class. Rules for homework quizzes:
- A homework quiz may include any question assigned for any day starting
two weeks before the date of the quiz and up to and including the date of
the quiz.
- Closed book
- You must write your solutions on the paper provided.
- You need to provide your own pencil or pen.
- You may use any notes you have prepared.
- You may not use any notes prepared by anyone else.
- No talking or sharing of materials is permitted during homework quizzes.
- No programmable devices (this includes graphing calculators and Palm
Pilots) permitted on homework quizzes. Nonprogrammable calculators will only
be permitted on some homework quizzes.
- No makeups on homework quizzes. Excused absences will be given for
good cause with documentation. In addition, in calculating the average for
homework quizzes, the lowest two grades will be dropped.
PLEASE NOTE: On homework quizzes and exams, you
are expected to give solutions, not just answers. This means that
you need to show how you arrived at your answer. This will usually involve
explaining your reasoning, and sometimes will also involve calculations.
MIDTERM EXAMS: There will be three midterm exams, given at the regularly
scheduled class time. All midterm exams will be in Burdine 542106
Please note correction. The dates of the midterm
exams are Friday, February 21, Friday, March 28, and Friday, May 2.
- There will be no makeups on midterm exams. If you miss a midterm exam
for any reason (illness, accident, participation in athletic event, family
emergency, jury in studio class, etc.), you must take the retake for that
exam at the time of the final exam, as described below.
- Midterm exams will be "semi-take-home." This means that a week before
each midterm, I will give you a list of possible exam questions. The
questions on the actual exam will be very similar to some selection from
the list of questions you are given. By "very similar" I mean, for example,
that the numbers might be changed, the wording might be different or a figure
involved might be slightly different. (The retake at the final exam time will
be a slightly different selection, but also taken from the questions passed
out for the midterm.) The questions on the actual exam might be in a different
order from the questions in the list given to you. There might be an optional
bonus problem not like any on the list.
- You are allowed to get help with the list of possible midterm questions
before the exam from anyone except me or the TA. (You may ask me or
the TA questions about anything assigned for class or covered in class, but
not about the questions given to you as possible exam questions or about
very similar questions, unless they have been assigned in the reading, assigned
as homework, or discussed in class.)
- Midterms will be closed book, closed notes.
- You may bring a non-programmable calculator to exams. However,
programmable calculators (including graphing calculators) and other programmable
devices (such as Palm Pilots) are not permitted in the exam.
- Bring yout UT picture ID to exams.
- Bring pencil, eraser, and scratch paper to exams.
FINAL EXAM: The final exam (scheduled by the University for Wednesday, May
7, 9 a.m. - 12 noon) will consist of an opportunity to take a second version
of any or all of the three midterm exams. If you are satisfied with your
grades on the first versions of all three exams, you will be exempted from
the final exam.
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Please notify me as soon as possible of any
modification or adaptation you may require to accommodate a disability-related
need. You will be requested to provide documentation to the Dean of Students'
Office, in order that the most appropriate accommodations can be determined.
Please be sure that I have information on any modifications regarding exams
at least two weeks before the first exam. Specialized services are available
on campus through Services for Students with Disabilities. For more information,
contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY.
- Thursday, January 16 - Last day of official add/drop period; drops
after this date require approval .
- Wednesday, January 29 - Last day to drop a course for a possible refund.
- Monday, February 10 - Last day to drop a course without a possible
academic penalty.
- Monday, March 24 - Last day for undergraduates to drop with Dean's
approval except for urgent and substantiated nonacademic reasons. Last day
to change to or from pass/fail.